Christmas 2006

It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.  ~W.T. Ellis

What A Year!!!

Christmas 2006 Looking back upon this year has been more difficult than other with family members splitting apart and our careers coming to and end.  There have been good things with Kat Robinson happy in her new home, Sue nine years without cancer, three years out of the wheelchair, trips to Hawaii and the Panama Canal. 

We will miss the Chartier grandkids  again but other friends have been added to our little group! Come share the Christmas season with us! We start decorating the day after Thanksgiving .  December is busy with the SCR Play "A Christmas Carol", Five Crowns dining and Rogers Gardens,  our light walk through Napels , seeing the Nutcracker, Dancing on Sundays with Armand, the Huntington Harbor Tour Of Lights , the Christmas Play , Disneyland and ......  Special Pictures !

Well, you know... busy season !

Christmas 2006
At the Christmas Play!

Happy Holidays
And a very very Merry Christmas!

Christmas Golf, the best!
Yes, we play golf all winter!

Skaters Waltz