Christmas 2001

"Christmas ... is not an eternal event at all, but a piece of one's home that one carries in one's heart..."

Christmas Day 2001

Sue at Christmas 2001
Christmas Day 2001 and Sue is ready to go!

Christmas Day 2001
Valentine awaits the guests who are all her friends

Food Time

Christmas Day 2001
Sue the vegetarian will turn this into one delicious prime rib

Did You Know? - A standing rib roast is a cut of beef from the rib section, which is one of the eight primal cuts of beef. The entire rib section comprises ribs six through twelve of the animal; a standing rib roast can comprise anywhere from two to seven ribs. It is given the name "standing" because it is most often roasted in a standing position, that is, with the ribs stacked vertically and the vertebral processes on the bottom. An alternative is to cook with the rib bones on the bottom and the vertebral processes removed for easier carving. A standing rib roast, if sliced when uncooked, would yield a number of rib steaks. Rib eye steaks result from removing the bones and most of the fat and lesser muscles (tail).

A colloquial and popular term for this cut is "prime rib". Historically, this name stands out regardless of the grade. In addition, the USDA acknowledges this historical note by not requiring the cut "to be derived from USDA prime grade beef" . The technical name, per URMIS (Uniform Retail Meat Industry Standards), is "Beef Rib Roast"

Christmas Day 2001
This guy weighed in at 15.5 pounds

Christmas Day 2001
Roasted Asparagus, yum!

Did You Know? - Asparagus is a herbaceous perennial plant growing to 100-150 cm tall, with stout larissa stems with much-branched feathery foliage. The 'leaves' are in fact needle-like cladodes (modified stems) in the axils of scale leaves; they are 6–32 mm long and 1 mm broad, and clustered 4–15 together. The flowers are bell-shaped, greenish-white to yellowish, 4.5–6.5 mm long, with six tepals partially fused together at the base; they are produced singly or in clusters of 2-3 in the junctions of the branchlets. It is usually dioecious, with male and female flowers on separate plants, but sometimes hermaphrodite flowers are found. The fruit is a small red berry 6–10 mm diameter. Green asparagus is eaten worldwide, commonly with eggs in China and with beef in Britain. It is not considered a delicacy as it is very cheap and easy to obtain.

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day would not be right without deviled eggs

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001 had onions pulled right out of the garden

Christmas Day 2001
Right out of the garden

Let's See The Website To Remind Ourselves Of Christmas Eve

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Eve 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Connor got into the picture somehow

Time For Presents

Christmas Day 2001
Pete got a DVD player

Christmas Day 2001
Cassie is ready to open gifts

Christmas Day 2001
A time to remember Georgia Liles, creator of things

Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Colleen join the fray

Christmas Day 2001
All smiles

Christmas Day 2001
Paul got to open a present

Christmas Day 2001
"You think I ought to soak it first??"

Christmas Day 2001
Card time

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Colleen on Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Eddie enjoys a beer

Christmas Day 2001
Half-empty or half-full???

Christmas Day 2001
Cookbooks everywhere

Christmas Day 2001
Good book

Christmas Day 2001

Did You Know? - Rack-O is a Milton Bradley card game with the objective of obtaining 10 numbers, in numerical order, in one's hand. Score may be kept on a separate piece of paper, based upon either a custom system or the system provided in the rule book. Rack-O allows between 2-4 players, and is recommended for players age 8 and up. Rack-O celebrated its 50-year anniversary in 2006.

Christmas Day 2001
Cassie and Daddy

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
From floor to ceiling

Christmas Day 2001
"Peek a boo"

Christmas Day 2001
Ho Ho Ho

Christmas Day 2001
He also dances

Christmas Day 2001
Santa takes a rest

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
The kids are busy rewrapping their presents

Christmas Day 2001
Connor found something he likes

Christmas Day 2001
Jonathan loved "I Spy"

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001 with Cassie

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001 and "Meat man" has arrived

Christmas Day 2001
Connor and Eddie

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day 2001 Pete calls home

The Chihuahua's Get In On The Action

Christmas Day 2001
Christmas Day was one of Mickey's favorites... He knows the "meat man" is nearby

Christmas Day 2001
Pinky and Valentine hanging out together

Christmas Day 2001
Valentine and Pinky kept an eye on things

Christmas Day 2001
"I am the baby!"

Christmas Day 2001
"Hey everybody, I am the glam glam glamour girl!"

Christmas Day 2001
"It's OK, I like my picture taken"

Christmas Day 2001
"OK, enough already"

Christmas Day 2001
"Yes, I have pretty eyes"

Christmas Day 2001
Three babies all in a row

Christmas Day 2001
Nap time for Valentine

Grandma Sue And Mitch Head To The Kitchen

Christmas Day 2001
MArking the ham

Christmas Day 2001
Potatoes being prepared

Christmas Day 2001
Ham for the table

Christmas Day 2001
All cleaned up