....You ask, What is our policy? I will say; "It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us: to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy." You ask, What is our aim? I can answer with one word: Victory - victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
A joke is a very serious thing. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
A love for tradition has never weakened a nation, indeed it has strengthened nations in their hour of peril. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Although prepared for martyrdom, I preferred that it be postponed. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile--hoping it will eat him last. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
An iron curtain has descended across the Continent. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains. - Winston Churchill
Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality that guarantees all the others. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Danger - if you meet it promptly and without flinching - you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never! - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry. - Winston Churchill
Don't talk to me about Naval tradition. It's nothing but rum, sodomy, and the lash. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Everyone has his day and some days last longer than others. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
For my part, I consider that it will be found much better by all parties to leave the past to history, especially as I propose to write that history myself. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. - Winston Churchill
Give us the tools and we will finish the job. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. - Winston Churchill
I always avoid prophesying beforehand, because it is a much better policy to prophesy after the event has already taken place. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
I am always willing to learn. I do not, however, always enjoy being taught. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
I am certainly not one of those who need to be prodded. In fact, if anything, I am the prod. - Sir Winston Churchill
I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. - Winston Churchill
I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
I gather, young man, that you wish to be a Member of Parliament. The first lesson that you must learn is, when I call for statistics about the rate of infant mortality, what I want is proof that fewer babies died when I was Prime Minister than when anyone else was Prime Minister. That is a political statistic. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
I like a man who grins when he fights. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
If we open a quarrel between the past and the present, we shall find that we have lost the future. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time--a tremendous whack. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
In war: resolution. In defeat: defiance. In victory: magnanimity. In peace: goodwill. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. - Winston Churchill
It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at a time. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
It is a socialist idea that making profits is a vice; I consider the real vice is making losses. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. - Sir Winston Churchill
Kites rise highest against the wind - not with it. - Winston Churchill
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duty, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.' - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
MacDonald has the gift of compressing the largest amount of words into the smallest amount of thoughts. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will pick himself up and carry on. - Winston Churchill
Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the 'worst' form of Government except all those others that have been tried from time to time. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
My wife and I tried to breakfast together, but we had to stop or our marriage would have been wrecked. - Winston Churchill
Never give in. Never. Never. Never. Never. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Of course, we are all worms--but I like to think, at least, that I am a glowworm. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink. "Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it." - a conversation between Lady Nancy Astor and Winston Churchill
Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong. - Sir Winston Churchill
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. - Winston Churchill
The optimist sees opportunity in every danger; the pessimist sees danger in every opportunity. - Winston Churchill
The power of man has grown in every sphere, except over himself. - Sir Winston Churchill
The price of greatness is responsibility. - Sir Winston Churchill
The problems of victory are more agreeable than the problems of defeat, but they are no less difficult. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
The reserve of modern assertions is sometimes pushed to extremes, in which the fear of being contradicted leads the writer to strip himself of almost all sense and meaning. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
There are a lot of lies going around.... and half of them are true. - Winston Churchill
There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
This is the type of arrant pedantry up with which we shall not put. - Winston Churchill
Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day. - Sir Winston Churchill
True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation of uncertain hazardous, and conflicting information. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Vast and fearsome as the human scene has become, personal contact of the right people, in the right places, at the right time, may yet have a potent and valuable part to play in the cause of peace which is in our hearts. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill
We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Well, dinner would have been splendid... if the wine had been as cold as the soup, the beef as rare as the service, the brandy as old as the fish, and the maid as willing as the Duchess. - Winston Churchill
Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl - no superior alternative has yet been found. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Why Sir Churchill you are drunk! "And you are ugly, but I shall be sober in the morning!" - a conversation between Lady Nancy Astor and Winston Churchill
Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd. Without innovation, it is a corpse. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else. - Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill