After The Carving... Food! (Page Three)
A Quote To Remember - There is nothing that gives more assurance than a mask. ~Colette
We highly recommend Fio Rito's - it's family, small restaurant atmosphere, along with it's authentic Italian cuisine make it a great place to spend an evening. It not only has a dining area, but also offers take-out pizza. Great food, great atmosphere, very reasonable prices.
Nick and Koryn
Did you know? - The girl's name Koryn \k(o)-ryn, kor-yn\ is a variant of Korina (Greek), and the meaning of Koryn is "maiden". Koryn is an uncommon first name for women and an equally uncommon last name for both men and women. (1990 U.S. Census).
Nick and Koryn discuss Halloween
Koryn and Mom Michele
"Connor! What are you doing to that pizza??"
A kiss for the little angel??
Connor goes goofy!
We are all here!!!
Connor tells scary stories to Nick
We Return To The Scene Of The Crime(s)
They are waiting for us
Heading out!
Bob, we like your new hairdo!
Proves she will kiss almost anything! Check out his feet!