Ensenada, known as Baja's "Love Boat" port, is no longer a sleepy resort town. Each year, some 4.5 million visitors descend on this seaside city 68 miles from the border, joining 325,000 residents. Fishing, processing and shipping have made Ensenada Mexico's second busiest port.
It's quite a change from 1542 when Portuguese explorer Juan Rodriguez
Cabrillo sailed into the sheltered bay in his quest for the mythical
Northwest Passage, or sixty years later, when Sebastian Vizcaino
named the area Ensenada de Todos los Santos after All Saints' Day.
Over the centuries, many have left their mark here, from Spanish
missionaries and Russian settlers to gold miners and gamblers.
The result is eclectic mix -- from Mexico's oldest winery and Baja's first cantina to a plaza featuring statues of national heroes. In addition to expected attractions like the large tourist shopping area and fish market, Ensenada also offers the unexpected - an elegant Prohibition-era casino and a blowhole that spews water sixty feet into the air.
In May, 2001 Fox Studios Baja opened
"Foxploration", its behind-the-scenes,
movie-making park. This isn’t a kiddy theme park, although kids
will undoubtedly enjoy it. Foxploration was conceived with a more
sophisticated idea in mind—to offer the public an opportunity to
go behind the scenes at a real working movie studio, and to learn
firsthand about the production process in an entertaining and interactive