Some questions to ask the cruise director on your next cruise:
- Which elevator do I take to get to the front of the ship?
- Does the ship generate its own electricity?
- Why do the inside staterooms not have windows?
- What do they do with the ice carvings after they melt?
- Is this island completely surrounded by water?
- The photos in the photo gallery do not have stateroom numbers on them, so how do we know which ones are ours?
- Has this ship ever sunk?
- Is it fresh water or salt water in the toilet?
- Does the crew sleep onboard?
- What time is the Midnight Buffet?
- Do the movies on the TV come via satellite or cable?
- Do these stairs go up, or down?
- What is the elevation of the ship?
- On the last night of the cruise, should we put our suitcases out in the hall before or after we go to sleep?
- What religion are all those people who are wearing a patch behind their ear?