A Beautiful Sunday Afternoon To Depart Los Angeles

Los Angeles To Midway To Hawaii To Los Angeles In 21 Days

Previous: The Midway Island Adventure Itinerary Next: Midway Atoll, Midway Between The US And Japan!

On The Ship Photos
Music: Blow The Man Down

Leaving Los Angeles On A Sunday Afternoon!

On the ship
It was a lazy Sunday

On the ship
Time for a drink beforer we begin to explore the ship

On the ship
See you in three weeks

On the ship
Paul does have is nautical fish shirt on even though he is grumpy

On the ship
The green flash was there

The "Green Flash"

Did You Know? - Green flashes and green rays are optical phenomena that occur shortly after sunset or before sunrise, when a green spot is visible, usually for no more than a second or two, above the sun, or it may resemble a green ray shooting up from the sunset point. Green flashes are a group of phenomena stemming from different causes, and some are more common than others. Green flashes may be observed from any altitude (even from an aircraft). They usually are seen at an unobstructed horizon, such as over the ocean, but are possible over cloud tops and mountain tops as well.

The Next Day We Find The Important Stuff....

On the ship
First thing in the morning...

On the ship
Evenings before dinner we enjoy the music

On the ship
Afternoons we walk

On the ship
Dinner is always pleasant because we enjoy each others company

On the ship
Mission dollar smile

On the ship
They were not kidding!! Blew the sign down

On the ship
Walking into the wind takes more energy than one might think

On the ship
The center area was protected so much activity occurs there.... Ice carving is underway this afternoon

On the ship
The props stir up the water a leave quite a wake

Did You Know? - In fluid dynamics, a wake is the region of disturbed flow (usually turbulent) downstream of a solid body moving through a fluid, caused by the flow of the fluid around the body. In incompressible fluids (liquids) such as water, a bow wake is created when a watercraft moves through the medium; as the medium cannot be compressed, it must be displaced instead, resulting in a wave. As with all wave forms, it spreads outward from the source until its energy is overcome or lost, usually by friction or dispersion.

On the ship
Sunset means dinner time and beuatiful views of the ocean

  On the ship
Trivia was a load of fun every morning...

On the ship

Sue likes her flowers so I ordered them.  I commented to the flower person that "These are so very fresh... how do you do it?"

About that time our dancing friends came by the hallway and said "Paul, didn't you know that there is a glass dome on the 15th floor where they grow the flowers?  That's why they are so fresh!"

Got to admit it... For a few seconds I swallowed that tale... sounded real to me!

Then she smiled and I knew I was had!

And I do not get had too often!

On the ship
Ready for the day to begin

On the ship
The antennas connect us to the mainland

On the ship
Our dining room

On the ship
More ice carving

Did You Know? - Sculpting ice presents a number of difficulties due to the variability and volatility of the material. Ice may be sculpted in a wide range of temperatures and the characteristics of the ice will change according to its temperature as well as the surrounding temperatures. Sculptures are generally carved from blocks of ice and these blocks must be carefully selected to be suitable for the sculptor's purposes and should be free of undesired impurities.

Typically, ideal carving ice is made from pure, clean water. However, clear, transparent ice is a result of the freezing process and not necessarily related to the purity of the water. Clouded ice is often the result finely trapped air molecules that tend to bind to the impurities while naturally freezing. Mechanically clear ice is usually made as the result of controlling the freezing process by the circulation of the water in the freezing chamber. This process hopes to eliminate any trapped air from binding to the impurities in the freezing process.

Certain machines and processes allow for slow freezing and the removal of impurities and therefore are able to produce the clear blocks of ice that are favored by ice carvers. However, not all blocks that are carved are clear ice. White ice blocks look like snow and are sometimes carved. Colored ice blocks are produced by adding dyes to the ice and can be carved as well. In some instances, clear ice and colored ice are combined to create a desired effect.

On the ship
Paul got into the system and had unlimited time.... Lasted for almost three weeks

On the ship
It's trivia time

On the ship
Watching the world go by

On the ship
Sending email from the ship

On the ship
On our daily walk... We did about twenty laps which was about four miles

On the ship
Sometimes we walked upstairs

On the ship
Sometimes Paul stopped for a drink

On the ship
The World is the world's largest private yacht — a floating residential community owned by her residents. The residents, currently from 40 different countries, live on board as the ship slowly circumnavigates the globe — staying in most ports from 2 to 5 days. Some residents live onboard full time while others visit their floating home periodically throughout the year.

On the ship
Dressed up and time to dance

On the ship
The paintings were for sale

On the ship
Another evening to dance

On the ship
She was a beautiful ship

On the ship
On a clear day you cold almost see the electrons leaving the antennas

On the ship
Nothing more beautiful than the sea

On the ship
Dual rainbows were quite common

On the ship
Even the Moon cooperated

On the ship
Midway is not to far away now

On the ship
Sometimes you could see the entire rainbow

On the ship
Blue skies just a 1000 feet higher in the sky

On the ship
Hello Moon - See the moon (click the picture and look carefully).  It was amazing to see the moon dance between the big white clouds!

On the ship
Time to dance

On the ship
Paul gets the evil eye

On the ship
Vicky must be somewhere

On the ship
Music to see Midway by

On the ship

On the ship
The evening productions were quite nice

On the ship

On the ship
Paul's favorite place

She Is No More

Pacific Dawn is a cruise liner operating for P&O Cruises Australia. Formerly known as the Regal Princess (Princess Cruises), Pacific Dawn is the largest cruise liner to be permanently based in Australia. She is Australia's first ever superliner to be permanently based in Australia. Pacific Dawn will complete an itinerary of mainly South Pacific destinations during her service in Australia.

After completing her multi-million-dollar refurbishment in Singapore from Regal Princess to Pacific Dawn, she is now fully operational in her new role in Australia. She is the first ship of the P&O Cruises Australia fleet to feature an all-white hull, to mark P&O's 75th anniversary in Australia

Previous: The Midway Island Adventure Itinerary Next: Midway Atoll, Midway Between The US and Japan!