Easter 2022

Why was the little girl sad after the race? Because an egg beater!  

We Are Trying Something New! (Page One)

In past years, we have gone to lunch and then return edhome for coloring the Easter eggs. This year, with a new and much larger house, we are going to do burgers, hot-dogs, and pizza at home. In fact the pool was heated to 85 degrees  so everybody could swim and relax!  Traditions must be abke to be adjusted!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
These decorations are at least 30 years old; with the help from a little glue, they are now back and on display!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
We did our first stop at Ralph's

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
We wanted the change in the plastic eggs to be "clean"so we boiled them for an hour!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
Fifty eggs later!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
We stuffed for an hour!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
The patio is ready for our guests!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
The tables are ready!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
We trimmed the flowers and everything looks pretty good!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
The inside is ready to go!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
Keep the attitude positive!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party
Bring on the wine!

Easter 2022 Eggs/Pool Party

Chicken Dance