Coming Home From Alaska 2002

Alaska With Our Grandsons; A True "Adventure"For All Of 'Us!

Going Home June 25

We hated to go home bus alas, it was time to say goodbye the the teenage hijinks....

Leaving Vancouver

Going Home
We are off

Opened in 1931, the airport included a single runway, two hangars and a small terminal that consisted of an administration building and waiting room. Throughout the years YVR has grown and expanded into an award winning airport served by 67 airlines and connecting businesses and passengers to 119 destinations around the world.

Arriving LAX IS Always Good


Did You Know? - In 1928, the Los Angeles City Council selected 640 acres (1.00 sq mi; 2.6 km2) in the southern part of Westchester as the site of a new airport for the city. The fields of wheat, barley and lima beans were converted into dirt landing strips without any terminal buildings. It was named Mines Field for William W. Mines, the real estate agent who arranged the deal. The first structure, Hangar No. 1, was erected in 1929 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Mines Field was dedicated and opened as the official airport of Los Angeles in 1930, and the city purchased it to be a municipal airfield in 1937. The name was officially changed to Los Angeles Airport in 1941, and to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) in 1949. Prior to that time, the main airline airports for Los Angeles were Burbank (then known as Union Air Terminal, and later Lockheed) and the Grand Central Airport in Glendale. By 1940 most airlines served Burbank only; starting in 1946 they served LAX (and some served Burbank as well).

It was different in 1931

This was taken years ago. You ought to see them now