Day 16 - We Return To Ft Lauderdale And Fly Home

No shirt, no shoes

7/16/2024 (Saturday) On The Run

Finally, at 6:30 am, we got up and began the final packing activities: our carry-ons. It's like trying to fit 15 pounds of, you know what, into a five-pound bag. After some struggle, a little force, a few hydraulic tools, and the ability to bend matter with my mind (if only), I finally managed to zip it up. It's good that TSA didn't require us to open the bag!

We had breakfast in the cabin and then to the concierge, who took us down to the debarking (I think of Scout every time I type that word!) area via the crew elevator.

We went through the lines without a hitch, and it was easy because we had our suitcases sent directly to the airplane, so we did not have to manhandle all eleven of Mary's suitcases/steamer trunks.

At the airport, we had the most epic lunch with the kids. We departed like synchronized swimmers, except with luggage. It was like the grand finale of our trip, complete with a recap over sandwiches. We should start rating airport lunches; I give this one five out of five stars!

We flew to Charlotte and then changed airplanes with only a few minutes to spare. The flights were uneventful except during takeoff when Paul made airplane sounds (jet airplanes). How she can look so good after seven hours of flying in a hollow tube is beyond me!

We arrived at John Wayne at 8:15 pm., and our daughter Robin was waiting for us. We loaded up and headed home! Robin had plans for tomorrow morning, so she went home.

Mary texted the kids to let them know we were home safe. She also added, "No need to send out the search party this time!"

Scout required formal introductions before going out with Daddy to prepare for bed!

Wow, what a trip! We kissed, and then both of us went out like a light! Love really is exhausting!

Caribbean Navigation
Return T
oThe Start