Romance Are Us: Sue's Favorite

Now I see that there is no such thing as love unreturn'd. The pay is certain, one way or another.

Stargazer Lillies

Sue's favorite flower Sue has always liked the Stargazer Lilies. . .so we try to surprise her whenever we can! Oh... Star Gazer's get their name from the fact they point upwards... gazing at the stars! Lilium "Stargazer" (the Stargazer lily) is a hybrid lily of the Oriental group. The ASPCA reports the plant as being toxic to cats.

When mature it grows to a height of 36 inches with a spread of 12 to 16 inches with an upright form. It has a fast growth rate and should be planted in full sun in well drained loamy or sandy soil.

The flower is pink, red, and white, and is sweetly fragrant. The plant produces 4 to 5 flowers per vag. The Stargazer lily was created in 1978 by Leslie Woodriff, a lily breeder in California. The plant is an Oriental hybrid lily which Woodriff called "Stargazer," because the blooms faced the sky. This lily is now fairly common throughout North America.
