Us, Paul & Sue
These pictures are us (sounds like Dr Seuss)! The good looking one is Sue and the old bald guy is me, Paul! We have fun wherever we go so please enjoy!
We enjoyed almost 35 years of being together but as the faits allow, Sue passed on to a greater place in February of 2020. The loss was felt by many.
I refreshed my friendship with Dr. Mary A. Côté in the summer of 2020 and we were joined as man and wife in July 0f 2021.
At The Renaissance Pleasure Faire
We enjoyed the faire and plan to go again every few years!
The faire is a great place for an afternoon of fun
"Where all the Faire's a Stage, and Fantasy Rules the Land...!" We explore and take in the sites and sounds of our exotic port town. We boldly join in the play or quietly stroll the merry lanes of the Faire. Your visit is sure to be an experience that you'll treasure forever. Cheer on a band of battling knights! Meet our four Mayoral candidates and vote for one! Remember every vote counts! Haggle with an English fishwife! Flirt with a lovely wench or dashing young rogue! Join Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth I on a grand visit to an amazing 16th century Faire! The fun and celebration has just begun! Swashbuckling Heroes, merry Minstrels, dazzling Daredevils, Dancers, Jugglers, and hundreds of Colorful Characters fill our tweleve stages and bustling streets bringing you non-stop entertainment throughout the day.
Disneyland California Adventure And The Ferris Wheel (Sun Wheel)
We enjoy Disneyland and go there at least 2-3 times a month, sometimes more! These photos are in the Ferris (Sun) wheel at California Adventure.
We go to Disneyland about 2-3 times a month to visit and dance and people-watch!
Paul must love Sue as he gets into these steel wired cages and spins at 80 miles an hour over 1,000 feet in the sky!
Did You Know? - The Ferris wheel is named after Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute graduate George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., who designed a 264 foot (80 meter) wheel for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois in 1893.
It was designed as a rival to the Eiffel Tower, the centerpiece of the 1889 Paris exhibition. This first wheel could carry 2,160 persons at a time; The Ferris wheel was the largest attraction at the Columbian Exposition standing over 250' tall and powered by two 1000 HP steam engines.
There were 36 cars each the size of a school bus that accommodated 60 people each (20 seated, 40 standing). It took 20 minutes for the wheel to make two revolutions - the first to make six stops to allow passengers to exit and enter; the 2nd a single non-stop revolution - and for that, the ticket holder paid 50 cents.
The wheel was moved twice after the 1893 Fair and was eventually destroyed (by controlled demolition) in 1904 after it was used at the St. Louis exposition of that year. At 70 tons, its axle was the largest steel forging of the time. It was 26 stories tall, only a quarter of the Eiffel Tower's height.
Paul & Mary
Mary and Paul began seeing each other July 28th 2020 and after a year decided it was time we got together so we married July 28th 2021.
Mary had been a family friend for almost two decades as we met dancing.
After many years, 63 to be exact, in our respective homes there was no way we could combine them into one household! We needed a new place!
Everybody said, "Downsize!". Phooey, we upsized!
So we spent several weeks looking at homes beginning in April 2021. We looked all over town, from the beach to the mountains, with great assistance from our real estate person, Sydney Gielow. She was and remains fantastic; our hero!