Nightlighters Dance: Swinging Into Spring 04/14/2012

Swing Music Forever

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You Are Invited

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
Fun fun fun

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
Click for the fullsized image (3200px by 2400px)

In Summary.....

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012

Let The Party Begin

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012

Did You Know? - Swing music, also known as swing jazz or simply swing, is a form of jazz music that developed in the early 1930s and became a distinctive style by 1935 in the United States. Swing uses a strong rhythm section of double bass and drums as the anchor for a lead section of brass instruments such as trumpets and trombones, woodwinds including saxophones and clarinets, and sometimes stringed instruments such as violin and guitar, medium to fast tempos, and a "lilting" swing time rhythm.

Swing bands usually featured soloists who would improvise on the melody over the arrangement. The danceable swing style of bandleaders such as Benny Goodman and Count Basie was the dominant form of American popular music from 1935 to 1945. The verb "to swing" is also used as a term of praise for playing that has a strong rhythmic "groove" or drive.

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
Our Greeters in action

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
Richard spent the week in Walmart to learn how to do it right!

Follow The Music!

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
Through these doors is a world of music and fun

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
The Nightlighters are quick on their feet! Music starts and so do they!

Did You Know? - German swing bands, virtually unknown to British and American swing band followers, thrived in the early 1940s in spite of an official Nazi campaign against "decadent Western music". German authorities in fact created a Swing band called "Charlie and His Orchestra" to record hot Swing and dance music. Some songs included lyrics ridiculing and abusing the leaders and people of Allied nations. Records were dropped over "enemy" lines by parachute.

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
"So.... What do you think of my flower??"

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012 Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012 Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
Benny was with us tonight in spirit

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
Guests Barbara and Paul Rutkowski (on the left) hit the floor running

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
The band gets into gear

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
A new step.... It's called the back rub!

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
"Come here big boy"

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012
The Swing Music video runs n the background

Nightlighters Swinging Into Spring April 2012

Page 1 - Arrival And Cocktails | Page 2 - Who Was Here? | Page 3 - Post Dinner Dancing