We Love Ballroom Dancing

You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart. ~Author Unknown

Swinging At Disneyland On Saturday Nights!

DisneylandSwing dancing occurs every Saturday night at Disneyland and during the summer, Friday nights are also time to swing dance.  Four groups alternate, one per week.  From about 7:00 until 11:00 we are entertained by the great music and dance with people from their teens t their 90's!  Great evening and inexpensive! 

Buy the yearly tickets and it is a small price for an evening of entertainment.  We go in the afternoon and visit Disneyland, then dance, and then off to Catal for dinner or a drink!

Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland
Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland
Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland
Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland
Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland Dancing at Disneyland