Easter At Our House

What do you call Easter when you are hopping around? Hoppy Easter!  

Easter At Our House Is Time We Try To Make It Special

NOTE: This site has been "active" for over twenty-three years so please enjoy our family as they get older and hopefully wiser.

Easter with the Liles

Over The Years We Have Enjoyed The Celebration

An Easter Greeting

Come celebrate Easter with us. We are church-going religious family and have been for many years now. We do not push our beliefs on others but enjoy our faith as something special.

Easter 2001 was great with the grand kids over including Edith, Kat and Otis!

Easter 2002 we were on a cruise through the Panama Canal with our cousin and aunt.

Easter 2003 was a lot of fun with the family joining us for the traditional Easter egg hunt and egg coloring.

Easter 2004 Sue was recovering from the back surgery so we hunkered in and took care of priorities.  She had just completed major back surgery in November and was still recovering spending much time walking.

Easter 2005 was quiet as the old folks just stayed around the house and colored our Easter Eggs (the kids and grand kids started their own traditions) and we went to Disneyland.  

Easter 2006 was again with a few family members and friends as the grand kids are getting older and they have their own traditions.

Easter 2007 - Sue, Dave (our elderly neighbor) and Paul go to Disneyland to celebrate,  We are now alone with the kids and grand kids doing their own thing.  Sad but life goes on!

Easter 2008 - Sue, Dave (our elderly neighbor) and Paul go to Disneyland to celebrate!

Easter 2009 - Sue, Dave (our elderly neighbor) and Paul go to Disneyland to celebrate!

Easter 2010 - What a change!  Robin & Bob brought Nick and Michele & Franklin brought Theo and we went to lunch on Saturday followed by an afternoon of creating wonderfully colored eggs !  We even made cartoons about it! On Sunday morning, we went to Church and then to Disneyland for an afternoon finished by a dinner at Catal!  We only took a few pictures at Disneyland.

Easter 2011 - It was the Duda's, the Chartier's, and the Adams this year. We went to Old Ranch and then home to do eggs.

Easter 2012 - We did lunch at Preveza and then did eggs with the Adams, the Duda's and Carri! On Easter Sunday we danced at the Elks in Newport Harbor before going to Catal in downtown Disney for dinner!

Easter 2013 - We did Easter Eggs at our home with the Duda's and Chartier's after going to the local Mexican restaurant. We then decided to go to the Elks in Santa Ana. Sunday we went to church and then to Disneyland and a visit to Catal for dinner with the Duda's.

Easter 2014 - Join the fun.... We had an afternoon of laughs and giggles and ended with full tummies and 72 beautiful Easter Eggs! It's fun to be with family and share in these events which will last forever (We remember egg coloring from 50-60 years ago!)

We met up with the Billquists & Jette's and we had a joint Easter Dinner! Donna & Bob and The Duda's joined us making for a special day! Join the fun! Join the fun!

Easter 2015 - We did our usual brunch at the Himalayan Grill in Sunset Beach and then home to do Easter eggs . On Easter Sunday we went to Disneyland for a bit my ourselves and then joined the Zaitz, Duda's and Finch's for dinner at Catal!

Easter 2016 - We did our usual brunch at the Himalayan Grill in Sunset Beach and then home to do Easter eggs . On Easter Sunday we went to Disneyland for a bit my ourselves and then joined the Zaitz, Duda's and Finch's for dinner at Catal!

Easter 2017 was a lot of fun with the family joining us for the traditional Easter egg coloring.

Easter 2018 - Loads of fun with the family!

Easter 2019 - The Himalayan Grill for lunch and then returning home for coloring Easter eggs

Easter 2020 - I did not celebrate as it was too soon after Sue's passing. Robin and Bob took care of the old man.

Easter 2021 - The Himalayan Grill for lunch and then returning home for coloring Easter eggs

Easter 2022 - We are doing the normal Easter egg coloring with family at Casa Valencia but instead of going out, we are doing burgers, hot dogs, and other goodies.

Easter 2023 - Time for hot dogs and burgers and a quick swim in the pool.

Easter 2024 - Brunch at the Santa Ana Elks and egg coloring at home!

Random Pictures From Years Gone By

Random images from Liles Family Easter celebrations.

When Is Easter Celebrated??

Easter Card

Prior to A.D. 325, Easter was variously celebrated on different days of the week, including Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. In that year, the Council of Nicaea was convened by emperor Constantine.

It issued the Easter Rule which states that Easter shall be celebrated on the first Sunday that occurs after the first full moon on or after the vernal equinox. However, a caveat must be introduced here.

The "full moon" in the rule is the ecclesiastical full moon, which is defined as the fourteenth day of a tabular lunation, where day 1 corresponds to the ecclesiastical New Moon.

It does not always occur on the same date as the astronomical full moon. The ecclesiastical "vernal equinox" is always on March 21. Therefore, Easter must be celebrated on a Sunday between the dates of March 22 and April 25.

The Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny

According to tradition in the United States, the Easter Bunny leaves baskets of treats (including Easter eggs and assorted chocolates and candy) on Easter morning for good children.

Sometimes children leave out carrots for the Easter Bunny, which is similar to the practice of leaving milk and cookies for Santa Claus.

The Easter Bunny supposedly hides decorated hard-boiled eggs or plastic eggs filled with candy or money, and children hunt for them.

Some communities in the United States have renamed the animal the "Spring Bunny," to avoid the perceived association with Christianity. This has provoked some controversy.

Happy Easter And A Little Humor

Happy Easter

Funny Bunny   Slippers