The Starlighters Dance Club

"Dancers aren't made of their technique, but their passion."

Foxfire Facilities

Foxfire venue Foxfire venue Foxfire venue
Front Patio
One of the most popular and enchanting spots at the Foxfire.
Banquet Room
For a glittering wedding reception, awards dinner, reunion, anniversary.
Tudor Room
Decorated with early 17th century English "half timbering."
Foxfire venue Foxfire venue Foxfire venue
Windsor Room
The rich wood paneling gives you the feeling of the famous California Craftman houses.
Crown Room
Polished inlaid paneling and unique "spool chair" are complimented with a pleasant view of the Foxfire garden patio.
Sonoma Room
The decor is patterned after the early haciendas.
Foxfire venue Foxfire venue Foxfire venue
Victorian Room
Meticulous reproductions of that special decor.
One of the brightest spots in town - the Foxfire lounge and bar.
Band Stage
One of the brightest spots in town - the Foxfire lounge and bar.