Tea At The Elks 9/11/2022

The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost. --G. K. Chesterton

The Glamor Of Tea!

The event was sponsors by the Emblems, a ladies auxiliary to the Elks. Mary asked family and friend to join the fun and from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM the ladies dined and had a load of fun!

Mary and Robin came up with a theme entitled "Space", it was unique!

Enter and let the party begin!

Did You Know? - Tea bags were invented in 1908 in the United States by Thomas Sullivan. He created small silk bags to give samples of tea to his customers. Some of them thought that the bags were supposed to be put directly in the tea pot, like a metal infuser, rather than emptied out. Thus, the tea bag was created by accident!


Irene is hard at work!

Mary took the theme seriously!

Ready for blastoff!

Did You Know? - The art of reading tea leaves is called tasseography.

Mary! Your ride awaits you!!!

The launch pad is clear for takeoff!

The table was loaded with items from Apollo and Space Shuttle (Courtest of Robin)

Heading to the Moon!

Did You Know? - Herbal teas are not actually teas because they do not contain leaves from the plant, Camellia sinensis. Instead, they are infusions made from the roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, and/or fruits of various plants.

Mary might have needed a name tag?!

Red, white, and blue!

The astronaut visits.

The table settings were spectacular!

The gangs all here!

Let the party begin!

Amy and Vicky enjoying the activities.

Lisa looked like she just came from the Kentucky Derby!

Dianne and Mary  doing a toast!

Irene and Iris having fun!

Perhaps a splash of champagne!

"I'm still not sure!"

Did You Know? - Tea bags are good for about six months before they start to lose their flavor and quality.

The bubbley disappears pretty fast around here!

Mary makes the rounds.

It was labeled "Kick-a-poo-joy-juice" on the bottle.

Michele is our local champagne-ologist!

Did You Know? - The formal tea known as afternoon tea is also called Low Tea. It was created to allow a light snack before dinner, and served in sitting rooms at the low tables near the chairs and sofa. 42.

High Tea was created during the Victorian era when an evening meal was ate with tea. The foods were eaten at a high dining table

The wild bunch!

Paul stayed nearby in case anyine needed anything!

Just us!

A bevy of beauties!

Ya done good ladies!!!!

Did You Know? - Tea was introduced to England in 1662 when Charles II married Portugal's Catherine of Braganze. Her dowry included chests of tea and the regions of Bombay and Tangier.

Nicely done ladies!

Paulk stayed in the bar most of the day; duh!!