- Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong. ~Richard Armour
- Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason. ~Author Unknown
- Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against. ~W.C. Fields
- We live in a world in which politics has replaced philosophy. ~Martin L. Gross, A Call for Revolution, 1993
- There are many men of principle in both parties in America, but there is no party of principle. ~Alexis de Tocqueville
- We'd all like to vote for the best man, but he's never a candidate. ~Frank McKinney "Kin" Hubbard
- All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert upon events in the political field. ~Albert Einstein
- Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right. ~H.L. Mencken, 1956
- What is conservatism? Is it not the adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried? ~Abraham Lincoln
- I think it's about time we voted for senators with breasts. After all, we've been voting for boobs long enough. ~Clarie Sargent, Arizona senatorial candidate
- A liberal is a man or a woman or a child who looks forward to a better day, a more tranquil night, and a bright, infinite future. ~Leonard Bernstein, The New York Times, 30 October 1988
- Take our politicians: they're a bunch of yo-yos. The presidency is now a cross between a popularity contest and a high school debate, with an encyclopedia of cliches the first prize. ~Saul Bellow
- In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant. ~Charles de Gaulle
- Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
- Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where they is no river. ~Nikita Khrushchev
- Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear. ~William E. Gladstone, 1866
- When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it. ~Clarence Darrow
- George Washington is the only president who didn't blame the previous administration for his troubles. ~Author Unknown