Old Ranch Pros March 2009 Page Two
"I know I heard something go splash!
Minkee picks his weapon
Over the tree and through the woods to the green it goes!
Thousands await...
Jiggers, it's the boss! Matt watches the activities.
Brave fellows right at the end of the green
Matt hides behind the trees...
Walt strolls out onto the green with great confidence
The caddy is using psychological tricks on the ball!
Walt commands the ball to go in the hole... It did!
On To #14
The spectators are busy trying to avoid trees
Matt is hoping not to get wacked by the ball!
Linda Robinson is looking for Ed
Who wore the blue shirt and played the 15th hole a little ahead of time?
Here they come!
Did You Know? - A golf cart or golf buggy (officially referred to as a golf car according to ANSI standard z130.1, since "carts" are not self-propelled)[1]. is a small vehicle designed originally to carry two golfers and their golf clubs around a golf course with less effort than the traditional method of walking.
Electric golf carts have been used since at least 1951. Merle Williams of Long Beach, California was an early innovator of the electric golf cart. He started with knowledge gained from production of electric cars due to World War II gasoline rationing. In 1951 his Marketeer Company began production of an electric golf car in Redlands, California. Two additional companies began production of electric golf carts in 1954: LEKTRO and E-Z-GO. Cushman began production in 1955, Club Car in 1958, Taylor-Dunn in 1961, and Harley-Davidson in 1963. In 1971 the gas powered golfcart began production and soon after became a huge hit in a small town called The Villages, Florida
Mike and Jason look a little worried
Warning... Ball Is In Flight! See it?
Minkee and his groupies
What is he hiding behind his back?
The afternoon breeze should have moved it that extra 1/4 inch!
Shorts? It's cold!
Did you know? Shorts are a garment worn by both men and women over their pelvic area, circling the waist, and covering the upper part of the upper legs or more, sometimes extending as far as mid-calf, but not covering the entire length of the leg, either as outer or undergarment. They are called "shorts" because they are a shortened version of trousers which cover the entire leg.
On The #15 For A Short 3-Par
Typical Los Angeles traffic jam!
The convoy is making it's way to the green
Did you know? - A convoy is a group of vehicles (of any type, but usually motor vehicles or ships) traveling together for mutual support and protection. Often, a convoy is organized with armed defensive support, though it may also be used in a non-military sense, for example when driving through remote areas.
Did you know? - A dust storm or sandstorm is a meteorological phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions and arises when a gust front passes or when the wind force exceeds the threshold value where loose sand and dust are removed from the dry surface. Particles are transported by saltation and suspension, causing soil erosion from one place and deposition in another.
Hole #16 Seems About 1,000 Yards Today
Did you know? The yard derives its name from the word for a straight branch or rod, although the precise origin of the measure is not definitely known. Some believe it derived from the double cubit, or that it originated from cubic measure, others from its near equivalents, like the length of a stride or pace. One postulate was that the yard was derived from the girth of a person's waist, while another claim held that the measure was invented by Henry I of England as being the distance between the tip of his nose and the end of his thumb.[3] Following the destruction of the British Standard yard in the 1834 fire at the Palace of Westminster, consideration was given to a reproduceable standard should the physical measure be lost again. Accordingly in 1855 an Act was passed defining the standard yard based upon the length of a seconds pendulum. This is 39.1392 inches, and can be derived from the number of beats (86,400) between two meridians of the sun. The 36-inch yard was defined accordingly. The temperature compensated pendulum was to be held in a vacuum at sea level in Greenwich, London to give the length of the standard yard.
Sue and James enjoy the activities