Dan Knobloch Versus Rick Varnum... A Match Made In Heaven?
Remember Was Golf Was Like In The 1920's... Watch
Todays caddy's took lessons from these people...
Let The Game Begin!
The battle of the century begins
OK, they are ready
Wow... We thought he said "caddie skills"
The gallery is full
Mighty Dan picks up the bat....
His Caddy watches intently
Did You Know? - The word caddie comes from the gascon Occitan capdèth or capdet, meaning chief then younger boy (become cadet in French and refers to the Cadets de Gascogne, the captains serving in the French army in the 15th century were the youngest sons of the aristocratic families of Gascony). The term caddie or cadie first appeared in the English language in the year 1634.
Must have been a great shot
Dan left his custom golf cart at home
The Caddy carefully arranges the clubs
... Plunk, splat, bink!
Watching the competition
Knobloch is "One Up"
One up... One Down.... All they needed the whole day was the number "1"
Now that is a golf cart
"So Tom... Why do you think this hole will be so easy???"
Caddies are NOT selected by their legs, obviously!!
Some clubs are better than others
Bunny dressed him well for the game
Bob discusses the next shot with Rick
The chip shot was successful
I'd like to play....
"Here is the strategy Dan.... Put the little white thingie into the hole in the ground"
What is Mr. Blanchard up to.... Oh, watering the grass
Dan sneaks up on the ball quietly
One last glace at the target
Practive makes "perfect"
Smack... the ball roles forward
Oops... The hole must have moved!
Oops... I think I moved it
Bob points to the culprit! or he has his javelin
Here is goes...
HOLE IN ONE.... No Dan.... Remember trying to get to this point?
The rabbits were terrified at all the camotion
Hole #3... A Piece Of Cake
Dan is smiling
Dan... don't hit the caddy again!
He points to the target with the mighty club
Such form.... Oh my!
The ball is launched into the wild blue yonder
Off we go...
Wishing Dan well
Bunny is rooting for the caddy... Mut she owwns a Lexus... So complicated
The ball is yelling "No... Why me??"
The famous Knobloch Kneel.... Known to levitate golf balls into the air
... No, it is not advice!
Tom has a flat!
The audience gets intense
... Sharon, Bunnaford and John
Easy putt
On its way
Local custom requires opponents to bow before making a hit
Only a few inches to go
On To #4.....
The contestants look at the fairway
Dan steps up to bat
Their off in a cloud of dust and a Hi-Yo-Silver
The driver should watch the road....
Whooooosh... Now you see it and now you don't
Caught mid-air... Traveling at 487 mph.
Ham on the course
At the beach
Blanchard spots a girl in a bikini in the Ralphs parking lot
Oh oh... So does Dan
This ball is history... Soon to be on the green
A divot in process
Bunny brings the divot repair tool
Delivery made... Can I goes to the 19th hole yet??
Tied again
Zoooooom... And the Cathey's join the frivolity
Watch out..... Hot rodder at the wheel
Oh no... More advice from the guy with the funny legs
The owl has been looking at Tom's legs all day
The gallery suddenly got bigger
#5 Finds The Photographer Hiding In The Bushes
Blanchard still looking into the parking lot
The fairway and green are discussed
See the ball mid-air????
Dan is ready for the killer shot onto the green
Off it flies into the annals of Old Ranch
The peanut gallery
Excellent shot... And the binoculars are off... The game gets serious
The Dynamic Due
when in uniform
Perhaps a costume change is on order??