Greg Leach, Our Thespian Friend

Greg has been our friend for years now and we met him through the local "West End" playhouse years ago.  He has become a special friend that we enjoy doing things with.... Always happy and cheerful!  He lightens up the night!

Did you know? - Thespian is an actor or actress (see terminology) is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity. The ancient Greek word for an "actor," ποκριτής (hypokrites), means literally "one who interprets"; in this sense, an actor is one who interprets a dramatic character. The word actor refers to a person who acts regardless of sex, while actress refers specifically to a female person who acts; therefore a female can be both. The Oxford English Dictionary states that originally "'actor" was used for both sexes. The English word actress does not derive from the Latin actrix, probably not even by way of French actrice; according to the Oxford English Dictionary, actress was "probably formed independently" in English.

The first recorded case of an actor performing took place in 534 BCE (though the changes in calendar over the years make it hard to determine exactly) when the Greek performer Thespis stepped on to the stage at the Theatre Dionysus and became the first known person to speak words as a character in a play or story. Prior to Thespis' act, stories were only known to be told in song and dance and in third person narrative. In honour of Thespis,a 6th century BCE poet, actors are commonly called Thespians. Theatrical legend to this day maintains that Thespis exists as a mischievous spirit, and disasters in the theatre are sometimes blamed on his ghostly intervention.

Greg The Thespian
Greg with his step sister at La Mirada Theater

Greg The Thespian
Dave and Mom enjoy Ring of Fire

Greg The Thespian
38 songs were played

Greg and Carri
Greg and Carri Fox at Greg's home where we had dinner

Greg and the shark
We had to take Greg to the aquarium where he pestered the sharks

Greg and Mom and Dave
At the annual Christmas play

Greg and Mitch
Mitch and Greg at Old Ranch

Greg and Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo at Old Ranch

A note from Greg when I sent him a video of a person riding a ike and then a monster jumps out and yells boo.  Greg's reaction:


I was visually challenged more so this morning than usual and placed my face three inches from the screen watching your "bike ride."  I let out a YELP thankyouverymuch! Carmel the cat jumped from my lap, landed against the floor fan which toppled onto the gold fish bowl which shattered into a hundred shards.  But not to worry.  Carmel grabbed Goldie and shot through the pet door where he deposited my breathless fish into the large coy pond outback.  Speaking of OUTBACK, we need to have that glass of wine, to discuss future plans and recent events.  Let me know.

Paul & Greg
Greg regaled us with Shakespearian Quotes all evening

At The Christmas Play 2007
At the Christmas Play

The La Mirada Theatre On A Sunday Afternoon